Quotes about the IQC TES Programs 
“Very thorough and a large amount of information covered. Course material is applicable to all phases of tank work. “Real World” examples provide for even more understanding.”
Alton Howard
P66 Senior H & S Consultant Tanks
“The IQCIA TES course is very in depth with the laws, regulations, and recommended practices. Learned a lot of great information!”
Dwayne Moyer
PBI International
“Extremely informative, well planned and executed TES program!”
William Symanski
USA BeBusk
“One of the best classes I have been involved in. Extremely informative, fast paced, well organized.”
Ronald Webb
PBI International
“The class was great, I really enjoyed it and I am thankful it exists. It is a very serious eye opener.”
Timothy Ramsey
“Very detailed and covers various aspects of tank projects. SMART method works!”
Mohammed Kagri
P66 Tank Project Manager
“Very Informative about the real dangers and past incidents that has happens in the industry.”
Brian Silvestre
Parkland Refinery, Canada
“A lot of information, learning proper procedures, formulas, rules and laws.”
Sam Carranza
USA DeBusk
“Overall; like the way the law was presented along side the standards with practical examples of real world application.”
Andrew Dullas
P66 Tank Project Manager
“loaded with information, opened my eyes to what was not known. Walked away with a lot of new life saving knowledge.”
Gregory Belcher
USA Debusk
“Excellent instruction and real life examples provided a great experience.”
Mark Laughlin
Parkland Refinery Canada
“Very Informative and great insight into the real dangers of tank cleaning.”
Ron Nash
P66 Refinery
“I learned a lot if new things that I did nit know, that is going to help me in my career.”
Jorge Torres
USA DeBusk
“Very thorough training. I was mentally challenged throughout all aspects of the course and enjoyed the learning experience.”
Jarrett Poe
P66 Refinery Borger, TX
” I learned a lot of new things that I did not know that is going to help me in my career!”
Jorge Torres
USA DeBusk
“The class was very informative. Lots of information that will assist me in projects in the future.”
– Herbert “Bubba” Guhn Jr.
“Outstanding class! IQCIA Certification should be absolutely required for any person planning or supervising tank work”
– John Gardner
“I felt like a sponge. What was not needed was squeezed out and information was soaked in. Try to get a chair with seat belts…it is fast paced…I enjoyed every minute. Our instructor was exceptional, one of a kind, the BEST!”
– Gwen Gampon
Phillips 66
“I firmly believe that the IQC TES presents material with Real World applications. This should be a requirement for all company and contractor personnel involved in tank cleaning or API repair operations.”
– Dennis McCarty
Kinder Morgan, Asset Integrity, Liquids and Terminals
“IQCIA will make our people more safe, better qualified and better trained to handle real world tank cleaning issues.”
– Brett Feldes, President
Waste Water Specialties
“I just received my TES score from API. I passed. My score was 91 and the passing score was 75. This is proof that your class is very effective. I am glad that I was able to participate in your TES class.”
– Kyle VanArsdale
“I think this class rocks !!! The class was very informative and has provided me with a great amount of knowledge of tank cleaning.”
– Rachel Harberer
USA Environmental
“The IQCIA Tank Entry Supervisor Course gives you a great deal of information in a manageable manner that allows you to learn in both classroom and through application.”
– Paul Cornwell,
Safety Professional
“The IQC TES class presented plenty of real world scenarios to aid in the understanding of the API RP’s and Code of Federal regulations.”
– Tim Justus,
USA Environmental
“The IQCIA Course is very informative, not only on technical issues, but field issues as well. I highly recommend this class if you want informed data.”
– Kyle Vanarsdale,
HMT, Kinder Morgan
“IQCIA course is a great way to teach anybody the correct way to set up a tank cleaning job the right way. Even after 29 years of on the job tank cleaning, I learned new, safer and better ways.”
– Ricky Manuel,
– Waste Water Specialties
“This class pushed me in bettering myself for the people”
– Walter Brandon
“Great class! I will try to push this forward to Phillips 66”
– Troy Staires,
HSE Manager Phillips 66 Houston, TX
“It was one of the best I have been in and I am pushing 72”
– Howard Robinson
“Learned a lot and a very fast past”
– James Gibson
“Got more out of this class than any other TES classes.
Especially the drawing on how any space can be classified as a permit required confined space”
– Matt Crist,
Phillips 66 Houston
“Fast pace and moves quickly”
– Randy Voehl,
Phillips 66 Houston
“The course is well put together and very informative.”
– Eulogie Galiste,
Phillips 66 Rodeo Refinery
“I have taken and passed the API TES exam. It was a difficult test because of the trick questions throughout the exam. It was like they were testing our comprehension of the question, not our knowledge of the subjects. I attended the IQC TES class and have never taken so many test in one class. The tests are real world questions to test your knowledge and applicability, not if can you figure out the question. The smart system was intimidating at first, then it became my best friend. The best part of the course was the ability to see what I missed and correct it. IQC TES is the only way to go.”
– Tank Integrity and Inspection Manager, NCRA
“Now I can see why there is such a dramatic difference of the knowledge of an IQC TES versus an API certified TES after completing the IQCIA TES course. I really learned a tremendous amount of information and techniques that will make our tank operations much safer. After completing the IQC TES program, I challenged all API TES’s that were on various projects in our refinery. Out of the three API certified TES’s, not one could calculate the volume of space in the tank they were ventilating, much less the ventilation requirements. I was able to teach them in 2 minutes the formulas I had learned in the IQC TES class. It was an easy decision to change our policy to accept IQC TES certified people versus API and other certifications.”
– Chevron USA
“The IQCIA TES course helped our guys pass the API exam. Several had taken the exam before and failed. We feel that the IQC TES is a much better way of making sure our TES’s know what they are doing in the field.”
– California Sand Blasting
“This is the best class that I have ever attended. I have attended many training courses of the past 18 years, I have never learned as much in one class as I did in the IQC TES. We have changed our TES requirements from API to IQC.”
“The IQC TES is the best and most informative course I have ever completed. The instructor made sure that everyone in the class new all of the formulas like the back of our hands. It was fun and never boring, but completely had me exhausted all five days.”
– Matrix Services
“I took the IQC TES course to prepare for the API TES exam. After I completed the IQCIA TES program, I did not see the need to take the API exam. The quality of the TES that comes out of the IQC program is by far more qualified and knowledgeable. The SMART System is amazing.”
– Safety Coordinator, Phillips 66 Lake Charles Refinery
“I finally passed after 3 attempts at the API TES exam thanks to the IQC TES course. I took the course to help me pass the API Exam. I did not expect to learn as much as I did.”
– Veolia ES
“The QCO has probably forgotten more than I know about tanks and tank projects. He is the most knowledgeable person about all phases of tank operations that I have met in my 24 years. We could not stump him on anything that we threw at him. I learned vacuum truck operations and how to calculate flow rates. I had no idea of the difference between a regular vacuum truck and a super sucker. It was the little things that we have been overlooking that I picked up on in the class that made me realize that we have been just plain lucky.”
– Jacobs Engineering
“The IQC TES class was the most fun I have ever had in a training class. The instructor would have us laughing at ourselves, until he would nail us on something, and then we would realize what we were doing wrong, then teach us the right way. The way the program works, you never realize just how much you are learning because of the fast pace. I am here to tell you that will understand how to apply it in the field before you walk out of the class at the end of the 5 days. I now have complete confidence to perform my TES duties in the Field.”
– Alex
“The policies and procedures at our refinery in Ireland are in for a overhaul of the way we are performing our tank operations. I started making changes to our policies and procedures before I was on the plane back to Ireland.”
– Engineer
Phillips 66 Refinery Ireland